My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Three nights only, please!

I'm begging you. Please let me go home tonight without having to sit in the tunnel for a lame 1/2 hour of construction. It's keeeeeling me. Tonight will be night four, and I can't do it again.

In other news, I'm back on the blog. That kinda sounds gross. But, three days in a row ain't bad....considering I really don't have too much to say in the first place. Let's see, what's going on in our world? Well, Jason is growing his hair out while I've been meaning to set up an appointment to get mine cut.

What else? Oh yeah, we had to throw away our waffle maker because of the harsh beeping noise it makes to indicated that the waffle is ready...this "beep" (which sounds more like the fire alarm on your ceiling) sent Leia into freak-out mode, so last weekend's Sunday waffles were a tad more dramatic than we planned. I had to take Leia outside and walk around the block to cool her off. She was shaking. Bad. Like her whole body was vibrating! She get's that way durning thunderstorms too. Poor girl.

All the snow melted already and I'm ready for spring. It's suppose to be in the 70s this weekend and tonight it's taco night! I'm concentrating on getting done at work to meet up with our neighbors. I hope I don't get stuck in the tunnel!

This post is much shorter than I planned, but I had to go to a meeting.

Things to celebrate:

1. Friday night taco nights
2. New beginnings
3. Learning to knit
4. United States of Tara
5. A clean bathroom

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