My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My life, The Newspaper Headlines

My sister won't read my blog. She told me that on the phone yesterday. There are no real juicy details as to why. She just made this "ugh" noise when I mentioned it. And that's all I have to say about that.

So, for the rest of you with eyes, and a heart...I thought you'd be happy to note that this morning I did a double take while driving down I395 - I swear I saw a guy on a "car phone" - yeah - one of those huge "as big as your shoe" phones with the thick black curly cord. Don't worry, he knew he looked dumb. I could see it in his eyes.

Today seems to be a world of difference from yesterday. Let's recap the joys of my Monday real quick (in the style of Newspaper Headlines):-) yes, if there were actual stories to follow the headline, they would all be about me.

a. Driver Caught Off Guard: Didn't Have $8
b. Sister From Illinois Admits "Won't Read Blog"
c. Newbie Kicks Veteran Voicetracker Out Of Studio 20 Minutes Before Check In Time
d. Girl Crushes Sunglasses, Crushes Her Own Heart
e. Girl Stuck In Tunnel, Survives

So that was yesterday! Whew!

Today's headlines would read MUCH different as none of those things have happened. What a difference a day makes.

If you already read Jason's blog, you would know that today we headed to the Big Gym really early. Jason's been going back and forth about doing the morning gym routine again and finally decided to try it out. Not too shabby. Plus, now that it's warming up, not too cold either.

I miss the big gym and I'm glad to be visiting it again. (We both like the condo gym...but realize the big gym offers more options.)

Falling in the catagory of it's not what it may encounter an older woman on the path near our home walking her dog. This dog is in a green stroller. Leia and I met up with the older woman yesterday to find that the 11 year old dog was going in for leg surgery - today. The dog tore something and needed to be medicated - and the woman was told not to let her dog walk. To that, she said, "well then, we need to get you a set of wheels...cause I still need to get out and walk!" You go Grandma! At first sight though...the whole dog in a stroller thing seems absurd. I never even thought of surgery.

I'll be writing today's Newspaper Headlines later was kinda fun.

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