My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Cover The World With Chocolate Cake Icing"

On my way to work yesterday, I brought my iPod. I purchased some music (8 songs) over the weekend and created a new playlist. So I listened to it on my way to work. Not bad. A few adjustments are needed...but overall it's ok. It needs to be longer.

Today however, I didn't bring my iPod. I couldn't imagine listening to the same songs again. I'd need to take that first song out and I'd end up skipping through the rest of it instead of enjoying it. So, I put on XM - which what I usually listen to during my drive. THANK GOD I was tuned in - or I may have missed the news! I was almost to work when I tuned into The Loft (XM50) and Mike Marrone introduced a new American Music Club song from the brand new album called The Golden Age. It came out February 19th! Sweet!

Only two of the original AMC members remain, however reviews are glowing and Mark Eitzel is in a melodic phase, so the songs are pleasing to the ear. In fact, the overall sound of the new AMC record is lighter and their website lists three reasons why:

1) AMC refutes the label of 'Emo Pioneers'. For the record they hate Emo and have never been on the soundtrack for any W.B. network show. (yet)

2) Dark music is for people who are healthy enough to take it - and AMC want to appeal to all people - including the sick.

3) Mark Eitzel comments: "What will my neighbors in my retirement community think? How will I charm the nurse that tends to me? I want to fill my mouth with sugar and spit it on everyone when I talk. I want to cover the world with chocolate cake icing."

Well, that pretty much says it all!

You must check out the song "Who You Are".

Good To Know: AMC is touring in the US in April and May.

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