My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Mixtape 2.0

Ahhhh....the art of making a mix tape. Back in the day I was really good at it. (FF, RW, FF, FF, wait...go back AAAANNNNDDDD PAUSE...that's where the next song starts.) The cassette (when finished) was an audio archive of your favorite tunes at the time, all mashed together. So, there's a buzz going around about a week-old site called where you can upload your MP3s and share your mixtape with anyone. People are saying the website itself will only last three weeks, tops...and at the moment the site seems slow because it has caught on so quickly. But I don't care! This is what the internet was made for.

Now, if I were only at home so I could create my mixtape (er....Muxtape)...I can't do it at work. However, every mixtape must be labeled with a name. I've already come up with that!


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