My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Saturday's are perfect for birthdays.

Just look at that cake folks! (and it's just as delicious on the inside!) Jason whipped it up Saturday morning :-) on my birthday. Yummmmmm!

It was a very nice birthday weekend in Virgina. And the weekend seemed looooong too....that's always a good thing! I couldn't figure out why until, yes, it dawned on me. Leia (our new dog) woke up kinda early both Saturday and Sunday morning - and since i have morning walk duties, I was up too. It's ok, I didn't mind getting a jump start on my birthday. On our Saturday walk, I told Leia it was my birthday, but she didn't seem to care.

As far as birthday weekends go, everything was great! It was cold and gloomy on the outside (no birthday would be complete without a grey sky and frigid temps) and on the inside we were decorating cakes and eating chocolate chip Eggos! (Which for the record - were not very good.) We also made a trip to Best Buy to get my laptop serviced - it seems to have a cold.

Then it was off to dinner at my favorite sushi place. AKASAKA! Now that we have moved, we could probably walk to it - we live that close to the best sushi in northern Virginia. Jason was saying it's the best kept secret in our town. I'd have to agree.

It was delicious as always - and we topped off our meal with green tea ice cream! Yep! It was a two dessert day! (remember...the cake....)

When we got home it was time for presents and more dessert! Jason got me a jewelery box. I've always wanted one :-) Thanks Jas. He also got me this cool-crafty stitching kit. I am going to embroider designs on a pillowcase for Leia. Comfort is mucho important for that dog - so why not make it stylish too?! I got four patterns - on of my fav's is the retro spaced-out pattern. Plus, everyone knows it's funny when pets use a pillow like it's people. Not sure I know how to stitch yet, so I'll keep you posted.

Good to know: If you ever come to our house, Jason can make you a cake too.


Paw said...

I'm glad everything turned out well (except for the cc Eggos). I was going to send you a stupid web card this year, but I decided to go the more personal route and comment on your blog. (That's kinda weird that I just said that. I mean, no one would've said that sentence 10 years ago.)

Your dog looks awesome! I can't wait to get a dog. (Our apartment building won't let us have dogs) We actually have a bunny named Wheat'n.

Anyway, happy birthday, happy new year and merry xmas!! Talk to you soon.


Lynette said...

Thanks Paul!! Talk to you soon :) and give Wheat'n a pet from me!
