My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Waiting game.

I've been waiting and waiting and waiting to find out what the deal is with my job. It's day 2 of the 12th week since the merger talks were confirmed between Sirius and XM and all of us in programming have been wondering what will happen. I believe information is coming this week. Now, I'm not sure what i thougth was going to happen (I did dream they'd make a big XM cake and say goodbye to everyone - thanking them for their dedication.) But, now I have this feeling it will all go down with little grace and plenty of shock. So, I wait.

The thing is, we've been a passionate music loving family of programmers for 7 years - this ain't your corporate 9-5 desk job. People pour their heart and soul in to creating the perfect playlists and catering to the talented musicians who walk the halls of XM each week. We don't sit in corporate cubes, we have studios, and we talk to millions of people and turn them on to their favorite music. Daily. It's a pretty all-consuming job. Most of us don't have a life outside of this place and many (like me) moved half way across the country to be here. So, my question is...will they factor in all of this when they give the news this week? I can only hope.

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