My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Jason and I have been awake since the wee hours of the morning :) It was 4 something when Leia woke us up crying. Something was up and she was not feeling well. Jason went outside with her and she started eating tons of grass like she'd slipped into a dream and turned into a goat. It was pre-dawn. "Dark," as Jason put it, "and there was no one around."

I wish Leia could talk. That would make it so much easier to figure out what her problem was. We know it was her stomach - it was making these loud gurgling noises. So, after a few hours of getting up to check on her, cleaning up puke and making sure she would live, it was time to get up. "Perfect!," I thought, becuase I was already awake! Surprisingly I'm feeling ok today. But I could have used a few more hours (as I yawn) of sleep.

In other news, Jason and I are getting ready to head out of town for the 4th of July weekend. We'll be visiting family and friends and enjoying grilled meats and fireworks. I can't wait!

Top 5 things I'm looking forward to on our vacation:
1. Visiting Marx & Elizabeth
2. Spending time with Jason
3. Pine Trees
4. Grilled Meats
5. Fireworks

1 comment:

ezabeta said...

Wow! I didn't know we could jump to number one! I would definitely have settled for number two behind spending time with your hubby....

Just know, you guys are number one on my list of things I look forward to. Have a great flight.