My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

(sing songy)

(sing songy) "I always feel like somebody’s watching me.”

Why does that song get stuck in my head? It’s a lame Geico commercial. Ugh. Well, I have Geico so that’s at least good.

So, do you honestly want to know why I don’t post that much? The reason is simple. My blogger account has a glitch. It has happened time and time again that I’ll spend quality time on a blog post only to have it erased and disappear forever. It’s discouraging. And when I write my blog in “Word” it just doesn’t seem the same. So that month that went by…I was rebelling. Not that I vowed “never to post again” – I was just avoiding being annoyed.

Speaking of being annoyed – I was sure someone was out to kill me on my commute today. Toxic fumes from two different trucks nearly caused me to slump over in the driver seat knocking me unconscious. I actually exclaimed out loud “are you trying to kill me?”

Speaking of kill me…(everything is flowing together today) I’m averaging about an hour a day at the big gym this week. Today, I gave some thought to a personal trainer. I’m not sure if that’s something I’d really enjoy though. I have plenty of discipline, but some of the time I’m just not sure if I’m targeting the right areas.

Jason and I got DJ Hero. Those songs are infectious too!

1 comment:

Chris said...

I had a trainer from the big gym for about 3 months - I definatley sweated more, and went to exhaustion more, but I don't know if it made that big a difference other than teaching me some new exercises I now do on my own. Plus, it does get really expensive. You can get packages of 10 sessions there and tell them you just want an overhall of your usual routine and to focus on hitting the right target areas, but be warned they will bug you to buy more sessions! I would just buy the EA Sports Active game for Wii - that sucker kicks my butt on the hard workout level!