My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm off to the Midwest

On Saturday I will board a plane to Illinois. This is a solo journey - as I head to my old college town to see my sister sing in her Master Recital. She will be performing in front of a panel of judges who will critique her and "grade" her on her vocal skillz. (In a few weeks - she'll offically have her Masters degree and walk at graduation.) Go Kris!

Since Jason and I moved to the east coast in June of 2001, we have not been back to our college town. It's been 7 years. That's probably just long enough to get lost trying to re-locate our favorite hangouts. Ha!

Oh, and on an awesome whim, my good friend Stephanie called me out of the blue and now will be joining me to face the memories of the past. She hasn't been back in 11 years! Yikes.

Jason has commissioned me to take a lot of pictures and smuggle some specific food items and Cubs gear back with me. Namely bread from Avanti's - he loves that bread!

Wish me luck on my travels! It should be a busy weekend.

Good To Know: Kristin's recital is at Noon Sunday, April 27th @ Kemp Recital Hall.

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