My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Birthday, in a nutshell, kinda sucked

Here are the things that didn't suck about my birthday.
1. I didn't die. That's good!
2. I had Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast.
3. Jason made arrangements to (I asked in a sweet voice- I mean, email- if he would) metro over to my work from his work to drive my pregnant birthday ass home and he did it! (yeah it took over 3 hours to complete the journey and we didn't go out to eat or have any cake or ice cream- but we got home safe- and ate pancakes - really late.)
4. Jason's Birthday Card Blog. Oh my goodness, I love that man.
5. Mom and Dad's gift.
6. Godiva Pearls Milk Chocolates
7. Pancakes - homemade ones
8. Jason's gifts, which I realize now should be WAY higher on this list but I was savoring the moment to tell you he got me a Kindle!! That's right, maternity leave, the summer off and a freaking Kindle. I know you are jealous. (This should have been #1 on the list, darnit.) Well, maybe after "I didn't die" cause that's pretty big. So consider this #2. Also, it's empty, so I'm taking book suggestions.
9. My iPhone. Best used surfing FB and twitter and texting friends while stuck in hours of traffic.
10. All the super FB birthday wishes from everyone.
11. Leia. Our greyhound. Or should I say "Keeper of the Golden Bladder". Somehow she didn't have an accident in the house. Nope. She waited for us by the door.

12. My bladder. Somehow I made it home without having an accident either!

13. The fact that it ONLY took a little over 3 hours on the road seems like we made good time. Others were stuck for 4-12 hours so I feel lucky.

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