My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Who knew?

Who knew being a mom would mean hanging out at 2:32am on my laptop. I guess I thought about the night feedings for a newborn when I was pregnant, but I never imagined how strange it would be to live this nocturnal life. And how much I really don't mind being up at this hour. It's these middle of the night moments, with the TV off and the sound of the ocean on the Sleep Sheep that I ponder motherhood the most.

I just went into the bathroom. Took my ponytail out of my hair, and looked at myself in the mirror. James did a number on my body. I'm slowly returning (very slowly)to my old self. I don't mind it, I wear my extra tummy weight like a battle scar. Proud of my body for creating this little human and watching the healing process back to my pre-preg state. This Wednesday will mark 6 weeks since I gave birth, and it already seems like James has been in our lives forever.

I don't really have anything too profound to say about motherhood except rocks. Having the awesome responsibility of caring for (no matter how tired you are) this little boy has been amazingly fun...even though I'm losing track of the days. It's hot out, so I don't feel too bad hanging with James all day at home. It's going to be 103 degrees today.

James has finally drifted off to sleep, I can hear little baby snores. Time to catch some ZZZZ's.

1 comment:

Dana Brown Ritter said...

I think this is profound, and beautiful! So proud of you!