My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Yesterday I really needed to logout of this phone conversation my co-worker was having on the other side of the cube. It stressed me out more than any other overheard conversation I've ever overheard. Someone committed credit card fraud and this co-worker was using company time and the company phone to yell at the customer service reps. Loudly. The level of this person's anger had my back in knots and I got a bad headache.

Today, this person is back on the horn. The sound of his voice is making my pulse race and I'm cringing as I type. I have to say, I'm feeling extra uncomfortable at my desk. So, I'm making sure I don't lose it again today.

Headphones, engage.

Ahh, Lady Gaga. That should drown out any human voice. Volume is at 12. I can still hear him.

Switched to BPM. Ok, this will work.

I don't usually use my blog to let you know I'm annoyed - I would rather be spending this time telling you about the 11 post-it notes pasted to my monitor and what I have written on them, but instead you get this drivel.

I really think that humans should keep their private business very private and to exercise volume control. It's very disturbing and inconsiderate.

One of my post-it notes says “I Love Zombies”. Cause I do.


JC said...

Zombies love you, too. Specifically, your brains.

Cooper Family said...

I feel your pain. The guy across the cubicle from me is always on the phone yelling at his ex-wife. Very uncomfortable.