My Midwestern dream: get a deep freezer in my garage that contains a pillow sized bag of shredded cheese.

Monday, February 2, 2009

It's quiet, keep working.

It's really quiet at my new desk assignment. And it's quiet here at work in general after letting go half the building, ugh. At my new desk assignment I sit around ladies who make lunch plans and work 9-5, so not radio programmers! I think they work in finance. When I take a bite of my carrots, I feel like the crunching sound is so loud, like it will jar them at their calculators and they'll accidentally add another zero. This is probably just in my head though. I wish I had better time management skills so I could ask someone to go to lunch. Then again, I hate eating out. I really do. I loath it. There's too many times I've been fooled. You think it's going to be this wonderful meal...then, it's a total east coast letdown. The only place this doesn't happen is Akasaka. Worth every penny. Any other resturant, I'd rather bring my own peanut butter sandwich and call it a night.

Lunch was good today: Peanut Butt-her Sandweeeech, care -otts, celloooorrrie, YO yo mtv-gurt, and some fancy Lucky Charm cereal....with too few mallows....although have you seen the new "hourglass" marshmallow shape? It's pretty neat.

I'm saving some grapes for a 4 o'clock snack.

Lunch is over, back to work.

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